Things to Bring to Camp
FLASHLIGHT is a must, along with extra batteries
Insect repellent
Dance shoes
Dress-up clothes for the ball (if desired)
Bed linens, pillows, and towels for yourself - or you can rent them for $20 from Camp Saginaw (more information later)
Rain gear
Ear plugs (optional)
Warm clothes, including hat and gloves (it can get chilly overnight)
Checkbook and/or cash for your SW shopping needs
Bathmat or shower shoes, if desired
Coffee mug, utensils if you prefer your own
All personal medications you need (we will have first aid supplies at camp)
Personal toiletries (soap, shampoo, etc.)
Extra eyeglasses if you wear them
Folding rack for wet towels (optional)
Water bottle (or you can buy an SW water bottle)
A hand mirror, if desired